Friday, February 6, 2009

Another day, another anniversary

Blood sugar: 129

So today's the big day...the big 2-5...It's hard to believe. It's another one of those situations where I have to ask is it a happy anniversary? What's the proper thing to say on a day like today? "Hey, Karin, glad you made it!" I know that many, many people live to have their 25th or even 50th anniversaries with diabetes, but yet again, it's bittersweet. I'm glad to be alive still. I'm glad that the treatments for diabetes have improved. I'm glad I'm here to blog about it. But would I be happier to not have to deal with the daily struggles, you bet. To not have to count the carbs that I eat, absolutely. To not be forced to stick myself with some sort of needle every day for the rest of my life, without question. But I'm not alone in this. It's something that millions of others face every day right along with me. So what if I'm a little rougher for the ride? I made it this far, right? And who's to say that I won't make it to my 50th? Well, that's entirely up to me and God, right? So here's to 25 years with diabetes! I've dealt with the big D this long...I can handle it as it comes.