Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I've Sorta Been Tagged

Blood Sugar: 172

The rules!

Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. So since this has been on the blog of three of my friends (Ginger, Barb and Laura), I'm going to do it with a Diabetes twist.

So let's get started, right?

1) I have been diabetic for almost 25 years and didn't really start taking care of myself (really) until last year.

2) With diabetes, I am at more risk for things like heart disease and dying of a heart attack, I also do not heal from injury as quickly and therefore I am more likely to get infections.

3) When I was growing up the big thing to talk about was all the diabetes complications that I could potentially face like blindness and kidney failure. So, I made my mom promise that if I went blind, I could get a dog. My priorities were SO out of line! LOL

4) I don't think a person really knows the truest sense of trust until you allow them to give you a shot.

5) Giving a shot is a lot like throwing a dart: you aim, you use a smooth straight motion...but the difference is that there is no follow-through and you shouldn't let go.

6) Diabetes care has drastically changed over the years, so you should not tell diabetics stories about how your grandma couldn't eat a piece of cake on her birthday or about how she had to have her leg amputated. Remember things are different now and the person you are speaking to is well aware of diabetes complications AND they are not your grandma.

7) I hate needles. I always have and because of this, I have always had some kind of device to insert any needle into me...a lancing device, an injector for syringes and the OmniPod ...this fear is the only reason I hate going to the doctor now.

So that's it...hopefully you enjoyed my was fun to write it.

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