Friday, August 13, 2010

Bad Diabetic

Blood Sugar: 87

So I found out last night that I am a bad diabetic. Honestly, I was just shocked by the revelation. 8 years ago, I considered myself a bad diabetic. I didn't actively try to control what I ate or my blood sugars and I pretty much lived with my blood sugar, I'm sure, astronomically high. But something happened 5 years ago...I don't know if it was just something inside of me that said, "you are killing yourself every day you don't TRY to control your blood sugar," or if it was my impending marriage or the fact that I was now a mamaw...but my attitude changed. I was proactive, and if anyone knows me, proactive is not really my style...mostly I just want to hang out and see what happens. I found a doctor, I counted carbs, I decided I wanted an insulin pump to help me get things back into an acceptable range. And I've rocked it. Sure I have high blood sugars now and then and low blood sugars too...but it's NOTHING like it was prior to being on the pump. So what caused someone to say that I was a "bad diabetic"? The reply caused me to gag a little...I'm a bad diabetic because I take insulin. Uh, no, I'm alive today because I take insulin and that has NOTHING to do with being bad versus being good. As a matter of fact, my accuser went onto tell me that it was good that I didn't have children because bad diabetics cannot have successful pregnancies. What rock has my informer been living under? Keri at just successfully produced a little angel and there are millions of more stories like hers...but I think the hardest thing to take was the fact that I'm NOT the bad diabetic I was and I'm pretty proud of the control I have now and prefer the way I feel most of the time now better than before. I don't know, it just really rubbed me the wrong way and I wondered if anyone else had any thoughts on this...I think diabetes sucks and I think that people are either good or bad, but diabetes cannot be either. I have good days and I have bad days, but so does every non-diabetic in the world. Diabetes is something I live with but it is not something that defines who I am, I define how I handle it and what I allow it to affect in my life. While diabetes is a distinct part of who I am and does play into my decision making process (ie do I have enough insulin in my pod to eat that chocolate covered cream puff) it is NEVER the sole factor in my decisions. Thoughts?

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