Thursday, July 22, 2010

Irony At It's Finest

Blood Sugar: 94

On June 21, I posted a blog about this fear inside of me that I couldn't quite put my finger on...well June 25, 2010, my husband lost his job and our health insurance. Now let's talk about fear. I am absolutely terrified. I have medical bills that I still need to pay not to mention my mortgage and electric. I just don't know what we are going to do. I know that I can't afford to pay for COBRA...Now I can talk about being terrified. My company is working to get us health insurance, but we have such a small group and I'm the only one with a I'm sure when the quotes come in, it's going to raise the cost for the whole group because of me. Life is not fair, is it? I'm just trusting that God will provide the answers for me. He already is moving in ways that I could never have imagined. My friend was clearing stuff out after her husband passed away and was able to give me several bottles of insulin and test strips to use and I am SO very thankful. But I hate waiting, don't you?

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