Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hemaglobin A1c

Blood Sugar: 144

Ok, so prior to starting on the OmniPod, my A1c was 13.5%. WOW! It's supposed to be below 7. So I've been working and working at getting my basal levels set and checking my blood sugar more often and trying to eat better. In August, I went to my endo and my A1c then was 8.3%--quite an improvement. So yesterday, I had another one done as part of my pre-op exam for my surgery next Wednesday and it's a 7.9%! WOO HOO!!!! I don't think that it's EVER been in the 7's!!!! I know I still need to get it lower, but I just feel like this small victory empowers me to keep doing what I'm doing!

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