Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yesterday's Debacle

Blood Sugar: 211

So I'm still dealing with the ramifications of yesterday afternoon. I ended up leaving work early yesterday. I got home at 5PM and went to bed and finally got up this morning. I feel better, but I'm trying to figure out what happened yesterday. It's hard to back-track and figure things out, but I'm going to have to...to keep from doing it again. I was a major cranky pants last night too and no one was safe from my wrath! I hate being like that. It's nobody's fault really and if I had to blame someone I would have to blame myself, right? So why take it out on everyone else? It's a pity and was a wasted night...today should be better. So As you could see, my sugar is still elevated this morning from yesterday. Why can't carb counting be easier? I'm pretty sure that was the central part of yesterday afternoon's demise. Today will be better. It will.

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