Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wrapping Up The Journey

Blood Sugar: 128

So, the new doctor understood my need for the pump but also realized that I needed an endocrinologist to do it right. She suggested that I go see the endo she was affliated with. She said to go see the endo one time and if I didn't like her, that she would do what she had to do to get me pumping. I saw the endo and found another woman with the heart of a teacher. She wanted to help me, she wanted me on the pump, she wanted me to have a better life. As far as doctors go, I've hit my second grand slam. They are both terrific. So I saw the endo the first time in June 2007. I saw her CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator)in July and we applied to my insurance for coverage of a pump. Of course it was a fight. The insurance company didn't want to give me a pump because I hadn't bothered to take care of myself all this time, let alone go to the doctor. So they said that because I hadn't been seen by a doctor 4 times in the last year, that they wouldn't approve me. It was a long road...but I got my appointments in and started on my pump 6 months later. Quite the change from my original doctor. And I'm going strong. My only regret is that I didn't make the switch sooner, but I guess that everything has it's reason and purpose and I have to accept that. Maybe the wait was a way for me to grow as a diabetic and caring for myself so that I was ready to go on the OmniPod in January. It's been life-changing...all for the better.

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